Volunteer at GCAY
At God Cares About You, the ability to serve God, build relationships and provide the community with goods and services requires volunteers like you. As we seek to transform lives now and for eternity, it is only possible because God’s people serve our brothers and sisters. Join us at God Cares About You!

A great way to be a blessing to others
as He has blessed you.
Share Christ's Love & Gospel in Albuquerque's International District with an ethnically and disadvantaged population, transforming lives both now and for eternity.
1 to 4 hours per day
Volunteer Statement
We praise God for you. Thank You for volunteering at God Cares About You!! God Cares About You seeks to "Share Christ's love & Gospel in Albuquerque's International District with an ethnically and disadvantaged population; transforming lives both now and for eternity".
As you serve:
- Embrace the differences. Different does not equal wrong.
- Your Safety is our priority. If at anytime you do not feel safe, please immediately contact the person(s) in charge.
- Go with the flow. Enjoy the moment. Know that God uses the chaos and your service to further His Kingdom.
- See Christ in all you serve and work with. "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." Matt: 25:40
When you are finished for the day:
- Tell us how we can improve our service to God and His people. Tell us about your volunteer experience.

Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before him with joyful singing.
We praise God for you.
Thank you for volunteering at God Cares About You!

Want to volunteer at God Cares About You?
God Cares About You needs voluneers! If you are interested in volunteering with God Cares About You, please fill out the application below or contact Program Director Germán Montiel at (505)377-2756.